The Fast fashion industry & stability
What is fast fashion? It is a high demand for mostly short term trends at a constant consumption. High quantities, with cheap prices and in turn, environmental pollution in many ways. One of the most well known fashion companies, H&M have always been open about eco-friendly business practices. They introduced a Sustainability Commitment in the 90's and opened a Conscious Collection, as well as bins in stores for customers to donate used clothes. More companies like H&M, such as Zara, and the Gap pulled out of the trade shows that do not support human rights and poor working conditions. Influencing other brands by taking a stand in fighting for what's right is a step to change the industry's outlook on fast fashion. Fashion blog platforms like, Dirty Fashion and Self Ridges are putting the spotlight on companies that reviled their transparency as a sustainable company ans research reports on how fashion takes a tool on the planet. More designers and fashion companies need to come forward with the ways they are using more eco-friendly techniques, which is a big step to leave fast fashion a thing of the past.