Detroit: America's next fashion empire
Small fashion businesses with safe and conscious practices are trying to help make Detroit become the next fashion center but with an ethical approach to manufacturing. Sick of fast fashion, cheap materials, and cheap labor practices in the fashion industry, brands like Lazlo and Detriot Denim are perfect examples to help create a local garment district within the area. Lazlo even works with the Michigan Department of corrections to train inmates in cutting and sewing, in turn bringing jobs into the city as well as molding the early stages of Detroit's fashion hub. Karen Buscemi, founder of the Detroit Garment Group (DGG), an organization that supports Detroit's fashion industry in a variety of ways, has been a huge help in Detroit's fashion hub. From providing access to sewing machines, and certificate programs to the local colleges for a creation of skilled industrial sewers. Her biggest project is creating a long term plan of a garment district that will cover over 40,000 sq ft. Click here to read more.
How will Detroit effect the fashion industry?