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Amazon Wardrobe

Amazon could be trying to reach out to customers who are weary of purchasing clothes online. This new service also helps promote a longer outlook on Amazon's house fashion brands. The company has launched, Prime Wardrobe, a service that allows Prime members to try on clothes, shoes, and accessories for free. The program, still in work, let's users order merch at no cost, allowing a week to decide what items to keep. If users keep three or four items from an order they get a 10% discount on the order, and if five or more items then the discount will be at 20%. A handful of products of Amazon are eligible such as, Lactose, Calvin Klein, Adidas, and more. As Prime members, there is no additional cost for the service, and shipping and returns is also free. The package comes in a resealable box with a prepaid return label that can be dropped off at a UPS location or picked up for free.

What does the future of fashion retail look like?


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