The Best and Worst Trends of 2015
Ok let's face it, not every trend is a good trend. Some are here to stay, some just shouldn't have started at all. But let's not put the blame on anyone, we appreciate innovation in design no matter
how wacky it may be! We found a great article on one of our favorite websites, PureWow, and summed it up here.
Best Of 2015
Flip through the slide show above to check out some of the better trends of 2015. We may dig some more than others, but bottom line is that we can see how they can be loved by others!
Worst Of 2015
Flip through the slide show above to check out some of the less pleasing trends of 2015. We appreciate the idea, but sometimes it just doesn't work out as planned.
We love the good and the bad because that means there is innovative minds out there in the design world! Keep on truckin designers!